Thursday, April 26, 2007

The Crystal Queen

Some of you are probably wondering what that gorgeous tassled item is in the photo in the left column (scroll down a little). That is an evening bag made of Swarovski crystals (more than 6,000 of them) by Janet, our primary blogger here. She entered it into the 2006 Swarovski "Create Your Style" contest. Entries for the contest are received from all over the world in three categories: professional, amateur and student. Janet's was one of 20 pieces chosen as a semi-finalist in the professional category. Some of you may have been lucky enough to see her working on it in the store. It was a dazzler! Unfortunately, once entered in the contest the item becomes the property of Swarovski, so we will never see it again. However, you can frequently catch Janet working on another sparkly creation in the store, or you can sign up for her classes to learn some of her design ideas. Next up is a crystal medallion necklace workshop on May 5.

Today Janet came in with another new design - the gorgeous bracelet you see above. Any interest in getting her to teach a this next Fall?

If Janet is the Queen, she has spawned a crystal princess. Alison took a couple of workshops from Janet, and was off and beading, making variations on Janet's themes and soon coming up with great ideas of her own. Alison is taking a break from teaching this Spring, but look for some of her workshops as the year progresses!

Best wishes, Cindy.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Last Saturday a charming woman came in to make an eyeglass holder for a friend. She told me that she and her friends are all turning 50 this year, and that she intends to give each one of them an eyeglass holder for their reading glasses. I told her that this dovetails nicely with my quest to get all the baby boomers who need reading glasses to get real and get them!

The piece was charming when it was done, very light-hearted and fun. I gave her a few tips on making eyeglass holders (the design is opposite of a necklace, for example) and added that a wardrobe of them is a good thing, too. I've made matte black (macho) holders, and Bali silver and pearl (formal) holders, and a few in between.

Come in and see what you can come up with for yourself, or another Boomer in your life.

(Lots of moms are boomers, you know, and Mother's Day is on the way...)

Yours in beads,


Friday, April 6, 2007

For You "Down to Earth" Types...

We've written a lot about our Swarovski crystals and freshwater pearls. But what if you are a less glitzy, more laid-back type of beader? - Have no fear, the store is fully stocked with all sorts of semi-precious beads in a myriad of shapes including rounds, triangles, chips, stars, moons, tubes, twists, and donuts. We have Turquoise, Jasper, Goldstone, Carnelian, Rose Quartz, Bloodstone...the list goes on and on. Strands of semi-precious are hanging on the wall, pretty much directly as you enter the store. We've also rearranged our semi-precious table to make things easier to find and we hope you'll come in and take a look.

All the best, Barbara & Alison

Bead Bridges

Janet's father Willis made two wonderful wooden bridges that are now over two of our bead tables. This makes all sorts of room for new things and adds a new dimension to the tables. Thank you, Willis!


Sunday, April 1, 2007

Bearhenge: 8th Wonder of the World

The next time you visit the shop, come to the counter, gaze down into the glassed-in display area, and contemplate the majesty of Bearhenge.

Just how The Ancients constructed Bearhenge remains a mystery. Its meaning remains elusive...however, all who gaze upon it fall silent in awe.

Be the first in your neighborhood to have the experience of The 8th Wonder of the World: Bearhenge.

Yours Mysteriously, Alison, Barbara & Linda