Thursday, April 26, 2007

The Crystal Queen

Some of you are probably wondering what that gorgeous tassled item is in the photo in the left column (scroll down a little). That is an evening bag made of Swarovski crystals (more than 6,000 of them) by Janet, our primary blogger here. She entered it into the 2006 Swarovski "Create Your Style" contest. Entries for the contest are received from all over the world in three categories: professional, amateur and student. Janet's was one of 20 pieces chosen as a semi-finalist in the professional category. Some of you may have been lucky enough to see her working on it in the store. It was a dazzler! Unfortunately, once entered in the contest the item becomes the property of Swarovski, so we will never see it again. However, you can frequently catch Janet working on another sparkly creation in the store, or you can sign up for her classes to learn some of her design ideas. Next up is a crystal medallion necklace workshop on May 5.

Today Janet came in with another new design - the gorgeous bracelet you see above. Any interest in getting her to teach a this next Fall?

If Janet is the Queen, she has spawned a crystal princess. Alison took a couple of workshops from Janet, and was off and beading, making variations on Janet's themes and soon coming up with great ideas of her own. Alison is taking a break from teaching this Spring, but look for some of her workshops as the year progresses!

Best wishes, Cindy.

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